In other news, I love my Modern Middle East class. My prof is a fomer State Dept. official in Baghdad and while teaching about the Arab-Israeli conflict he jokingly says "I hope there aren't any Christian Zionists here" and being at a conservative Christian school and a class of 50, I'm pretty sure some people are offended and I love it. I have a test tomorrow about the conflicts, and I love that I don't have to be too worried about studying. Don't get me wrong, I learn a lot in that class, but when it comes to papers and tests, I feel ahead of the gang. We also had a Muslim man from Notre Dame come a few weeks ago to my senior seminar class to talk about peace and inter-faith dialouge. I fell in love with him, and I think my class was really suprised at how loving and great he was.
That's about all for now, no funny stories or dramatic news, but I am still alive and miss you all. Peace and love,
Margie!! How the heck are you? I have missed you - I think about you and how I should e-mail you but this is the best I can do. ;-) Hey, have you been able to get in contact with Amani at all? I e-mailed her but got nothing back so I'll probably start looking into a calling card so I can call them. Anyway, I miss you Margie and I'm glad you posted! Love ya!
there you are margie! i wondered what the heck happened to the one who created this whole blog thing. good to hear you are still alive. ;)
margie! what the heck happened to your nose ring?!?! that's tragic. my nose and i have been through quite a bit of drama myself, but thus far i'm prevailing. i miss you and hope you're doing well!
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