Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back in Cairo...Soon

I guess things are official now. I have been planning on moving back to Cairo and praying that God would provide a way for me to do so if it be in his will. God provided and a couple days ago I accepted a position at ICON Communications (Keem's company) as an executive assistant. My contract is for 1 year. I could not be any happier to be in this position; however, I would be lying if I said there was not a part of me that is nervous. Sometimes I think my willingness (or maybe capability) to for a moment suspend my highly analytical side to make decisions like the decision to move to Cairo is God's way of reminding me that I am not my own but that I am his. Often I am able to prevent situations that put me out of control by relying on my ability to think through fine details and potential problems. Whereas this ability can be good, it doesn't lend itself to allowing me to acknowledge the One who is really in control. Now that I think about my move, I am starting to realize there is no way that I will be able to prevent problems, frustrations, hang-ups, etc., but those problems and frustrations will give me the opportunity to lean on God...the One who is really in control.

1 comment:

Jonathan Pinckney said...

Dude, I'm so excited you're going to be back in Cairo too. We're all going to have quite the reunion party!