Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Good lord, you guys crack me up. I must confess that, much like Deakin, I hadn't visited the blog in a while. I actually couldn't remember what the address was, and that's my excuse.
Oh, and I'be been busy.
But what a treat! I love that you guys are keeping this thing updated. And I especially loved the blog post about confessions (from May). I knew you guys had it in you to break the rules--well done. I'm just pissed I wasn't invited to share in the shisha.
Deakin, contratulations on the engagement--that is wondeful news. And way to pull it off in a big way. And for those other others of you who are engaged/married, I do hope that you are doing well.
I am back in Afghanistan after a few weeks out. I'm not working for the UN at the moment, although I am negotiating another contract with them to start soon. I am doing some contract work for a USAID-funded NGO to pay the bills in the meantime, and enjoying it for the most part. But as you can see from this post, it's not as busy as it could be.
Anna is doing well--she just returned from the US a couple of days ago. I can't tell you how great it is to have her back.
And that's all. I do hope that you are all well, and I really enjoyed reading these updates.
Much love,

1 comment:

Mandy said...

STEVE!!! As I've been researching through my internship, I'm finding out so much about Afghanistan! Wow! I'm glad that the UN is smart enough to realize how much they need you! When do you think grad school will start for you? about a year or so?