Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Zamalek Bridge

My sister just sent this to me, and I thought I'd pass it on: It's just this little thoughtful piece about the bridge that connects Zamalek to Agouza, the one that everyone stands on at night. The author just went around talking to the different people standing there and wrote it as a kind of snapshot of Egyptians' hopes and aspirations right now. It's nice. Anyway, happy reading!
p.s.... I get to hang out with Mandy this week, and maybe Kirsten, too. Hanging out with them makes me miss the rest of you, too--I hope you're all doing well, and everyone had better be planning to make it out to the wedding in Seattle...right?,1,7650722.story



Mandy said...

awww, it's beautiful! I want to back with a lover and have him whisper promises his pocket can't live up to too!! =)

Kirsten said...

ya that was a pretty awesome article. I can totally see it in my mind again, which is good cause my memory sucks