Friday, September 21, 2007

Class Discussions...

I was sitting in my eclesiology class this morning when the discussion came to questions of whether infant baptism was important and if it meant you were elect from that point or not. Several people in the class were trying to draw lines...."well my friend was baptized but is now an aethiest, what about her?"
I just sat back and was amazed by how western our religion has become but also how meaningless it all is. One comment in support of adult baptizm was "well I don't remember how I felt when I was a baptized as a child" Now I'm not trying to start a debate or take sides it just struck me how much our Christianity has become about how we feel, how the music makes us feel, or how the pastor keeps our attention. I remember devotions one morning , I think it was Phil, who talked about the dangers of drawing lines and how our God is far too great for us to neatly pack him into our little boxes of reason.
Basically this class is trying to answer the question of What is the Church? It's been an interesting dialogue trying to figure it out but it's not possible.
I really wish I could have all you guys back in one spot so I could pick your brains.
There was so much wisdom in our group and I kick myself often for not taking full advantage of having you all in one bus for all those hours.

on a seperate note. You should all be proud of Micah...he has been doing some demonstrations on campus to try and raise discussion about the place for Patriotism in the Church and the general attitude towards war. I'll let him tell you what he has been doing, but you will be very proud.

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