Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring Break

My Spring Break has been pretty uneventful so far. I got to hang out with Tory a couple of times. That was cool. Tomorrow, there is going to be a bit of a party at my house. Some MESP alums currently in the Chicago area are coming for kosheri, shisha, pita and Turkish delight. Im making the kosheri myself. My mom taught me to make it... sort of... we'll see how this goes. Im going to make them sign a waiver first... :)
I gave a brief talk at my church about MESP. It went really well. Pretty much everyone in the church who was present came up to thank me personally. I focused on Mazhar Mallouhi. I think that it gave people an idea of just how HUGE MESP was for me.
In other news, has anyone heard about "The Secret"? It is this new age spiritual philosophy thingy that claims that you can get anything you want by simply desiring it. Then the things that you desire will be "attracted" to you and will come your way. It was on Oprah and everyone (at least in the Chicago-land area) seems to be talking about it.
Well, wish me luck with the rest of my break. I have a lot to do and a lot to think about and not much determination to do it...

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