Monday, May 21, 2007

Time to Fess it up!

Ok, I've been talking with my friend Stephen who just completed the Spring Mesp and apparently his group were covenant breakers to the EXTREME!! One guy had like 13 hickies on his neck one night in Jerusalem, among many other offenses....

So here's the deal: Fess up your Covenant Breaking because we want to know!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, and hickies aren't even that cool--that takes some doing to collect that many hickies.
I honestly wish that I had cool things to confess--one time I went out with the intention to buy and smoke some cigars--I bought them, but didn't smoke them. This was right at the end--I just took them home instead. lame, hey? But I was in Zamalek and I was just too afraid a MESPer would see me.
And despite a small crush on Esam, for the good of MESP and the world, I didn't mess around with Nesma's brother. That would be nothing but trouble.
nothing. Oh, wait, I did smoke a cigar on the balcony our last night in Egypt. Does that count?

Micah said...

The last night, I saw some of the guys smoking. For failing to repot them, am I a covenant breaker? : )
Justin, the guy from Dordt who went on MESP also told me about the covenant breaking. Did your friend tell you how Dave handled it? It is a pretty interesting story. Props to Dr. Dave for creativity.

olsann said...

I would like to know how Dave handled it.... oh, and I smoked some shisha that last week on our porch with Kaitlin and Mandy, but thats all I've got...

Anonymous said...

I was so pissed that I missed it. I went to sleep every night right over my hookah, smelling the sheesha...and as soon as I left the apartment, you guys decided to smoke your hookahs without me.

Kirsten said...

ya I participated in the shisha smoking on the balcony! That was awesome, but really not that sketchy. Oh and I went out with my host brother alone, which evidently wasn't allowed, but no one told me that until later. Basically we were just all too good. I am also impressed with the hickies and want to know Dr. Dave's creative response

Bryan said...

I was one of the shisha smokers that Micah caught on his last night.

Jonathan Pinckney said...

yeah, and I was the one who talked Bryan into smoking took awhile, too...and I'm pretty sure at one point he looked at me and said: "Get thee behind me, Satan."
But...then we smoked together, and it was awesome.