Friday, April 27, 2007

Gai Eaton

Hey does anyone remember the name of the article/ chapter or whatever that we read on jihad in islam that was written by Gai Eaton?
Also, do ya'll remember the name of the person who was calling for the reopening of itjihad that Heather liked a lot?
Thanks for your have no idea how much it means.


Kirsten said...

hey becca, I have no idea about gai eaton but thanks for commiserating and I want to know about ur guy problems. Same goes for u too, let me know if u find out what to do. hehe.

Micah said...

I think that the article is "The Myth of a Militant Islam" It may be missing the "a"... Im not sure. But then again, this might be the wrong article completely...

Anonymous said...

Muhammad Abduh, under the influence of his mentor, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani. Wikipedia has a little blurb on them. Al-Ghazali was the main influence in getting the "gates of ijtihad" closed back in the middle ages.