Monday, April 2, 2007

Oh Dear Ones...

Mandy here:

Life is crazy. Election are crazy. Friends are stupid. Alissa is neat. My chest hurts when I think. I feel like moving to a jungle and living somewhere by myself for a long time.

Incoherent? Yes. Exactly how I feel? Of course.

Ok, onto the goods... The first day of election was today...I think it went ok. Honestly, I don't think I stand a chance, the other candidate is promising a hot tub and handing out candy bars. I'm calling for expanding our bubble-like atmosphere and getting involved in the world around us (however, I did hand out those little wedding bubbles...). You decide who's going to win...haha.

In other news, Tory's story is slowly and surely become mine. Another way our souls are connected I guess. My best friend dumped me last week. She said, "I don't know how to be your friend anymore, you're changing too fast and going through too much. I'm outtie." The next day I spoke in chapel and shared my heart with the students about my vision for Spring Arbor and the other candidate starting yelling about his hot tub. Yes.

I think I find out tomorrow night or Wednesday morning...the sooner the better. I would rather just know and lick my wounds or celebrate than sitting here in this limbo.

I miss flat five and discussions about sex, religion and our bowel movements. I have much love deep in my pain-filled chest for all of you right now. Julianna I am calling you tomorrow.

Much love from the depths of my toes (sorry, that's where it's coming from today).


Matty said...

Just so you know, I would vote for you.

Anonymous said...

Mandy! I was going to call you yesterday to find out about the vote, and now I feel like a total chump because I forgot. Expect a call in the next day or two.

p.s. Michael and I are DTR-ing today...yikes, wish me luck.

molly said...

oh Mandy. i like you. i wish i could be crammed into the back of a taxi with you again! ;)