Friday, December 22, 2006

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas....actually...

So while I was away my family decided to join a new church. Yippie! NOT. The whole congregation is well....I'll hold my tongue for once. I refuse to hold my tongue when it comes to the music! Goodness sakes, I swear that these people take lessons on how to sound like toads or something! Have any of you ever seen Sister Act? Okay, if you have, think of the awful sound that came out of the choir in the beginning of the, amplify the horror of that sound and you have the church choir. If I didn't want to die before going to church, I will definitely feel like killing myself after the horrid sounds that come out of their mouths.
In the mean time, I told a woman that my shoes were from Damascus, she responded in the strangest fashion. She kept her eyes on them and slowly backed away from me as if she was expecting them to explode or something. I thought it was quite amusing but weird.
Anyways...weird side note but I've been having interesting dreams with you all in them. I thought they might amuse you all. Sarah had an apple laptop that was as big as me (I laid down next to it, and it went from my feet to my shoulders....Sarah proceeded to laugh and Deakin did the OMG laugh thing he does...where he laughs awkwardly while saying OMG)! Yes, we all laughed at how small I was as opposed to how damn big the computer was.
Then one time we where the boondocks having a hose riding competition. I stupidly volunteered to participate even though I have a horrible "seat" or whatever when it comes to riding horses...aka I can't do it. Then I proceeded to panic about not having the right shoes to wear to ride a horse with....
I love you guys, but these dreams are starting to creep me out (as they probably are you as well...or should be).
P.S. I never though I'd say this but...I'm sick of meat.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

haha, I had a weird dream last night too. We all were at some weird retreat center, not anafora, and I was with some other ppl from calvin and it was just weird.