Thursday, February 15, 2007

In the news...

Egyptian Brotherhood mass arrests:

I don't have much to update on my life. Something interesting about my academic work is that for my senior psychology thesis I am studying student attitudes and position regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I am taking a very particular issue (such as the wall) and measuring students' positions toward it--I am also going to measure their social dominance orientation (an individual difference variable, I don't really want to explain), existing attitudes toward Muslims and Jews, prior knowledge of the event, and the effects of biased media on position. will be a ton of work, but hopefully by the end of the semester I will have some interesting data and results. Hope you are all well. Love, Julia

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Julia! I miss you! How are things? Hey, I'm coming to your wedding and so are some other fun people. Are you ready for that? I love you Julia and I hope things are going well.