Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mumkin...reunion back in the Middle East?

Hey y'all...I know I haven't written on here in a long time, I have been reading, and I do miss all of's just been kind of a tough past month or so, and I've been a bit withdrawn. But life is getting better, and God is good even when my life sucks.

Anyway, so, enough of that. I'm assuming y'all got the e-mail from Dr. Dave (by way of Steve Byers, my friend the new intern) about the State department scholarships for studying Arabic over the summer...I'm definitely going to apply for that (having been rejected once by the State Department, I've decided to try my luck again), and I'm wondering if any of y'all were looking into it. I think the program in Yemen looks most interesting out of the Intermediate Arabic programs...mostly because we've all already been to Amman. So, mumkin, a few of us could end up in Yemen this summer? What do y'all think?


Bryan said...

I didn't get that e-mail :(

Jonathan Pinckney said...

here's the link to the website check it out

olsann said...

um... we all know that I am not at the intermediate stage, so I vote for back to Cairo with the beginers.... actually i was thinking of applying for next summer, but I know someone who applied and didn't get in, it is really competative I guess. so good luck!

Micah said...

I talked to Dr. Dave and he said that we all should do the beginners. None of us have learned Modern Standard Arabic yet. We only know 3ameyya.