Thursday, February 15, 2007

It's good to be a minority.

I'm going to recount you a story that I think needs to be told. It's epic, I assure you.
In my cafeteria at school, there were several Valentine's Day baskets(cookies and candy and so on...) on display and they had been there for several weeks with no explanation as to what they were for. I, in my infinite wisdom, decided that in a very dramatic way (placing a coat over it) would steal one as a joke. They were stale cookies after all and I was with friends( we all know how that boosts our IQ). So, a few days later, my friend who was with me at the time, gets this phone call saying that she was seen on the camera and needs to give the name of the girl who stole the basket (that's me).

Those baskets were apparently on display as an example of baskets that people could buy and it cost $7.99. Basically they reviewed film footage to find the thief of $7.99 worth of 2-3 weeks old stale cookies and candy. (which I passed out to kids at the library studying for their MCATs!). So it follows that we both are called in and told that we will be expected to serve 20-30 hours of community service in the cafeteria...for stale cookies.

My friend's mother freaks out calls the school. My friend ( "Best" by the way) is Hispanic and her mother goes to the wire for us and pulls out a whole bunch of "SNU is racist" bullshit which lo! and behold! Works Wonders.

We get off Scot Free!


Next time, I just won't get caught.

SNU is racist anyway.



Bryan said...

That's a hilarious story, thanks for sharing!

olsann said...

Well kaiters... if you are going to do bad things then you should have to face the consequences (that was the teacher in me), but I applaud you for using minority status to your advantage. When I have a black husband, I'm going to do the same thing

sahrasearching said...

Way to go! I am so very, very proud of you.

Jonathan Pinckney said...

that's awesome