Sunday, January 21, 2007

creative writing...

Ok so as I think I told u earlier, I wrote this story about a Jinn and a minibus driver in Cairo. Anyway, everyone but one guy in my class evidently liked my story but I'd like to share with you this one guy's comments on my story that I thought were pretty funny.

"This appears to be in a very strict Muslim area, are girls allowed to giggle?"

"What the hell is a Jinn?"

"Shouldn't he be saying Allah (instead of God)"

"the 'God willing' and 'praise be to God' got really cheesy really quick"

There were quite a few other criticisms, but these were the ones I thought you'd appreciate.

O and Phil and I did walk by the Islamic Center on our street, when we finally found it after riding past it on the bus and then walking like the whole street. It was a little disapointing and intimidating though. Its this little white building with ISLAMIC CENTER on the front, all the little windows boarded up, and combination key pads on the doors. Also, Phil noticed that the one car in the parking lot was "probably not a Muslim" considering they had a Jesus fish on their car, that was pretty funny. So we decided maybe we'll call or mail them a letter since my email bounced back.

I can't wait till a bunch of u r here in a couple weeks. I'm thinking of stuff for us to do when we have down time (Lebanese restaurant, hookah lounge, smoking my hookah, etc.).

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