Friday, January 19, 2007

Guess who?

It is 3:30 in the morning, I'm sitting in the Campus Security building at the main entrance to Gordon watching "The Office" when who should drive up but one of the last people in the world I would have ever expected to see. Mostly because the last place I had seen said person was Cairo, and I thought that said person was staying there long-term.

Any speculation? Well, it was Alissa's favorite "let's go out the day before we never see each other for the rest of our lives" admirer, formerly of Gordon College, Mr. Paul Case.

I was stunned, to say the least. Of all the people in the world whom I could have seen at that time and place he was one of the last I expected to see. He walked in to say hi and we made small talk for a bit, he asked how I was holding up back in the States and we talked about going back to Cairo. But the true fun of the night came when the subejct of Alissa came up. This happened indirectly at first. He asked me if I was keeping in touch with "anyone from your semester" with a certain eager look in his eyes which I knew well as the eager young squire hunting for news of his far-off beloved. I mentioned the blog, and said there were some e-mails going back and forth. He looked away from me and awkwardly said: "yeah, I think I was supposed to e-mail, you know, that girl...(long pause)...Alissa, but I'm just bad at keeping in touch" in that extremely male: "I'm trying to act like I don't care about this" kind of way.

Anyway, so I had a good laugh once he left, and only partially because I was watching the "Dwight's Speech" episode of The Office...

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

that is freakin hilarious!