Sunday, January 28, 2007


So Northwest Iowa has been a bit cold lately, actually really cold. I'm sure all the other Midwesterns can relate. But there is nothing like a nice hug to warm you up on a cold night...and that is just what I got on Thursday night when I received hugs from two of our 'Dutch Mafia' friends. They were so gracious to invite me to a gathering of Dordt students who had gone on MESP. Arriving at the house before anyone else, I found myself making small talk with the mother of someone who went on MESP with Dena. I am chatting I am also watching out the window when I suddenly see an oh-so-familiar face just light up when our eyes meet. I open the door to be greeted by a huge hug from Micah, followed by Emily who just about knocked me over. We, along with the other Dordt students then shared a fantastic meal of kosheri, roz bi leban and tea. I think I smiled for 3 straight hours. It was the most fun I have had in a while, a much needed reunion with people I love that simply 'understand.' Thanks for the great evening Micah and Emily! For all of you going out to Calvin--Sorry that I won't be able to make it to the conference--but if it is any consolation, my roommate is going. I might give her my MESP t-shirt so if you see here, say hello. Have fun!


Becka said...

Julia, I miss you! I hope that you are doing well!!

Abbie said...

Hulia! It was good to hear from you! I am glad that you had such a good time with the Dordters. How's life going for you? I have missed you a lot. E-mail me and let me know how you are (I tried e-mailing you once but I'm not sure I sent it to the right e-mail address). Love ya Julia!


Tory said...

i miss your hugs!! but i'm glad emily and micah got to enjoy them. i miss you a whole lot Julia--love you!


molly said...

oh julia that sounds wonderful! wish i could have been there...i miss you!