Wednesday, January 31, 2007

History Channel

I was watching the History Channel a few nights ago in my room. The show was called "dogfights" and it told the story of famous air battles in history. The theme of this particular show was the Israeli air force. It told about the 1967 war and the 1979 war. In both of these wars, the Israelis simply blew the Arab planes away.What troubled me was the fact that the History Channel only told one side of the story. Every person that they interviewed on camera was Israeli. The History Channel usually takes sides. But, it usually isn’t quite this one sided. In WWII shows, they interview Americans AND Germans. They usually give the appearance of trying to be unbiased. In this particular show, however, they didn’t even try. I did not see one Arab interviewee. It was entirely one sided.Other things that made me frustrated were little things. The announcer never brought up the context for the wars. In both cases, Israel was the one who fired first. In the 79 war, Israel invaded Lebanon to take out the PLO. After giving the details of a dog fight between some Israeli pilots and the Syrian air force, the announcer said something to the affect of, "The Syrians learned that they should never interfere with Israeli military strikes." The program had a lot of subtext behind the actual words which were spoken. This subtext said, "Yay for Israel, go kill those stupid Arabs."

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