Sunday, January 7, 2007

We miss Phil--and EVERYONE

We [Molly and Suz] just listened to your Gangsta's Paradise--"power and the money, money and the power, minute after minute, hour after hour." Summary--we miss you.
Mumkin--we have had a blast speaking Arabic, looking at such fun pics of everyone, missing all of you, and sharing stories without having to explain everything! An incredible sleepover in Seattle--except that 6 of the women from flat 2 are MISSING! Actually, make that 23 people are missing. It's time for you to take a jet to Seattle--DILWATI! Thus sayeth the Lord.--says Molly.
Hint--hint: We like you.
Eat some dang filafil--even though we had Chinook's with Heidi!
Dispahe ala xeer--
Molly and Suz
P.S. Abbie--we just watched you dance to Shakira! And mumkin we enjoyed laughing at a certain MESPer's rendition of a Luke Sky-Chicken. Which by the way, brought Molly many moments of joy in the midst of her sometimes solitary quest throughout Ireland.


matt said...

haha, i was thinking about the luke sky-chicken the other day and really wished i remembered how to do the whole song.

i think maybe he should write down the words...

Abbie said...

Hey there! I don't know where you got a video of me dancing to Shakira, but you really should destroy it ASAPer. I miss you guys too, and I wish I could have been there at your sleepover - I love you lots!
