Monday, January 29, 2007

Long overdue

I'm trying my best to keep up reading you guys blogs. It's so good to hear what's going on with you. Molly glad you're back to school!

Anyway this semester is going to be rougher than I thought. My classes are easy, all Gen eds except one and that is by a teacher notorious for being really easy (and slightly crazy). Things are crazy because my boss is allowing me to work over the student limit of 20 hours a week. So now I pretty much spend my days going between the classroom and the library, until about 11pm. While my classes are easy, they have a lot of reading, like 4 novels a class, so my weekends should be consumed with reading.

Living in the appartment is great. I get along real well with all 4 of the guys. I didn't know one of them really well and I come to find out that he's an MK from Azerbaijan. We've already once went out to this Amazing Middle Eastern restaruant in Lexington. It was amazing!

I'm still working with the youth at Nathanial Mission. I did a show and tell lesson for them and that was really fun. I wore my galabeya and my kafaya, it was so much fun!

I started going to the St. Athanasius Orthodox Church last Sunday. It was weird, not because it was weird, but because it was so not weird. It felt like home almost immediatly and I almost crossed myself my first time out. I reframed because I don't want to jump in to quickly, but it was amazing to be there. It's especially cool to be going during Lent, from what my friends there tell me it's some of the most exciting time in the church life. It's nice too that I didn't have to start going alone, two of the girls I work with went with me. One of them started going this summer, she had been church hoping her entire 4 years at Asbury (she's not on college staff) and decided to go here because so many in the IS department went. She felt simular to me, at home almost immediatly. The other girl was a first timer like me, but it was so nice to come in like that. I really think I found a new church home, at least till I leave the Lexington area.

Well I wish I had more exciting stories, but 80% of my days are spent fixing computers and finding ways to make the helpdesk run smoother. Don't want to bore you all with that nonsense. I'm glad I finally got time to post. I keep starting posts and then getting distracted with something else and never making it back to finish. Just want you all to know that I still think of you often and I can't wait to see some of you this weekend!


Mandy said...

Oh my goodness! I have to tell you the strangest,weirdest, most crazy thing that has just happened to me!

I had a Computer Science course over J-Term and the prof asked me to be his Teacher Assistant! Crazy huh!? So I am. Lame ending to an otherwise cool story I know...I think it's because I'm the only person to have ever really smiled at him...=)

Anonymous said...

haha! Mandy, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard--after complaining bitterly about the awfulness of taking this class for J-term...turns out you did a pretty stinkin good job, miss sunshine.
Are you going to do it?