Sunday, January 21, 2007

Don't you have to be scared of all of those Muslims cutting off your heads?

Okay, so I didn't get fired and am not going to jail, but needless to say, things suck at my group home job and I will probably quit soon, but the good news is that my other boss offered me a great job being in charge of thier school aged program for after school and this summer, so I am pretty excited and all I can say is a simple ilhumdillalah!
But, this is the best part of the whole proces...
So I was in a meeting with the president of my group home company. Keep in mind that he owns a company that is all about accepting people for who they are and helping and lovign all people.... It is called ACR which stands for Acceptance, Care, and Respect... so he was making small talk with me after lecturing me about professional behavior for 10 minutes and asked me where I had been studying the last few months. I smiled and said, "Egypt". He then said, "oh, well isn't that kind of dangerous?" I said, "oh, not really... I felt pretty safe, there isn't much going on in Egypt right now." Then he said (get ready, this is the best part...) in complete seriousness, "Oh, I mean, don't you need to worry about the Muslims cutting off your heads?" I looked at him, and I said, "Well Mr Nelson, I'm pretty sure you don't ever need to be concerned about Muslims cutting off your head no matter where you are." He just hung his head an appoligized over and over again saying that he wasn't well traveled.
Anyway, So, like I said, I'm not fired, but God has really provided for me in the situation and just given me the opportunity to quit and not be fired but also a great job to go to
Oh, I am starting a conversational Arabic class this week with community ed that I'm really excited about... Just once a week, but it will be a good reminder of Aguza and the Sheik shop even if I don't learn anything new
I miss you all, and hope you are doing great!

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